US-Ukraine Foundation Biotech Initiative - join us and the inspiring leaders of Ukraine’s biotech future!
Supporting the development of Ukraine's innovation ecosystem
Read MoreBioUkraine is an initiative of the US-Ukraine Foundation whose goal is to help advance the state of biotech in Ukraine
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Student Yelyzaveta Kornieieva Attends Genome Informatics 2020 Online Conference
Ukrainian Scientists Take Part in Plant Biology Worldwide Summit
UF Incubator Startups Pitch to a Panel of Judges from Ukraine, Poland and the US
Travel Grant Winner Oksana Piven Attends 6th CSHL Meeting on Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers
Explogen: Engineering Dream Microorganisms in Ukraine
The Ukrainian SpaceBox Start-Up: A Conveyor for Biological Research in Space
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics Wins Two Horizon 2020 Grants
Nanobot Medical – The Ukrainian Scientific Storytelling Company Revealing the Beauty of Science
USUF Biotech Initiative Joins Partners from Ukraine, South Korea, Ireland, Israel and Poland in Signing Memorandum of Cooperation to Establish Ukrainian Medical Cluster
Sumy Scientists, Government and Local Business Join Forces to Produce Hypoallergenic A2 Milk
Sikorsky Challenge Startup Competition 2020 Winners Announced
Awards for Emerging Biotech Leaders
Equipment & Supplies Sourcing Assistance
Trade Shows and Exhibits
Travel Grants
About BioUkraine
Through its Biotechnology Initiative, the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation aims to advance the state of biotech in Ukraine by fostering educational, research and business development in the sector and raising international awareness about biotech opportunities in Ukraine. The Foundation provides support to Ukrainian students, researchers and entrepreneurs who wish to engage with the international biotech community through educational exchanges, attendance at conferences and participation in trade shows.
Проект "Біотехнологічна ініціатива" Фундації Україна-США має на меті покращити стан біотехнологій в Україні, сприяючи освіті, дослідженню та розвитку бізнесу в цьому секторі та підвищуючи міжнародну обізнаність щодо біотехнологічних можливостей в Україні. Фундація надає підтримку українським студентам, дослідникам та підприємцям, які бажають взаємодіяти з міжнародним біотехнологічним співтовариством через освітні обміни, участь у конференціях та участь у виставках.